
Monday 12 December 2016

Family Photos - Recreating a Wedding Photo

As part of my little boys 1st birthday celebrations I wanted to get some up to date family photos. It's not always easy to get photos where you're all in them, even harder to get decent ones. No offence to those who may take a family photo of us, but I do come with my own set of high standards of photography and unless you understand lighting, composition etc..etc... it's hard to get someone else to do what I have envisioned in my mind. That's not to say that I don't like the fun ones that may be snapped and captured. It's more when I want a specific shot.
So off we went to a local park with the camera, tripod and remote control. We ended up going late afternoon after Tommy's nap and I was so worried that it would be too dark. Although it was getting on the dark side, it was probably the perfect time in the day to take the photos as earlier that day the sun had been beaming bright.

I knew which park we would head to as I wanted to re-create a photo from Keith's and my wedding. It's a photo that hangs above our bed. It's not quite the same, as we are now in a completely different season, but it's a fairly close match.

Here are some of the photos we captured.

From our Wedding Day


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