
Friday 3 March 2017

Old Fashioned Toys All Kids Should Own

These days kids have grown up with smartphones and tablets, console games, computers and all kinds of high-tech toys that simply didn’t exist even a decade ago. There’s no doubt that things are much different for the kids of today. However, while these modern gadgets and gizmos are fun, there are some old fashioned toys that simply cannot be beaten. These are nice for kids of today to experience and is something a little different to the high-tech wizardry they’re used to. Here are some old-fashioned toys every child should experience playing with.

Traditional Dolls House
A doll’s house can provide hours of creative fun for little ones. Forget tacky plastic barbie houses, go with a traditional wooden house and fill with beautiful dolls house accessories. These are also good fun for adults too, putting together a house can be really satisfying, and you can decorate it any way you like. It’s something nice you can sit and do with kids- make up stories and characters together and rearrange the different pieces. A doll’s house also makes a gorgeous decorative piece and looks great sat in any little girl’s bedroom.


Wooden Toys
Far nicer than garish plastic toys with all of their bells and whistles- music, flashing lights and everything else. Wooden toys are traditional, beautiful and encourage creative play. Building blocks pull along animals on wheels, rocking horses, jack in the boxes and different shapes and animals all look very sweet. They’re likely to bring back strong memories from when you were a child too, and we all love a good dose of nostalgia let’s face it.


Paper Books
With the invention of tablets and e-readers, it’s as though books are becoming obsolete. But there’s something special about a book- the smell of the pages, the feel of it in your hands that you just can’t replicate with an electronic model. It’s crazy that standard paper books could be considered as ‘traditional’ but time is moving on quickly. Teach your child a love of books, they really are one of life’s little pleasures, and it would be a shame for them to miss out. Plus if you’re reading bedtime stories, the harsh glow of a screen has been shown to affect melanin levels which can disrupt the sleep cycle. The soft glow of a night light and a paper book is a far better choice. You could set up a bookshelf in their room and each evening allow them to pick out a book to read that night. These are the sort of memories that they will look back on fondly when they’re grown up.

Old fashioned toys promote creativity and get your kids away from a screen for a little while which is no bad thing. They show them that you don’t need screens, batteries and software to be able to have fun!

What traditional toys do you think every child should have in their toy box?

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