
Saturday 14 October 2017

Environmentally-Friendly Money Savers

If you’re looking for ways to save money for your family, one of the first things you should do is look to your household habits. There’s a surprising amount of things that you can do around the home that will not only help you save money but help the environment too. We can all do our bit to help the planet, so why not try using some of these simple suggestions to make your home greener and save money on your monthly bills?

Image: Pixabay

Stop food waste

Food waste should be one of the biggest concerns for your family. In the UK, it’s estimated that households waste £13bn of food each year - a figure that can easily be reduced. When you think of your own food habits, how much do you tend to throw away? Making a plan on how to reduce food waste will not only help the environment, but it will save your household money too. Planning your meals for the week, buying frozen or pre-prepared fruit and vegetables and making the most of your freezer are all ways you can help to actively reduce food waste and perhaps eat a little healthier too.

Reduce your energy bill

Are you surprised when you see your electricity or gas bill readings? If they’re higher than you’d like them to be - try making some changes. Smart lighting and heating systems are becoming more popular in the UK, so making a small investment in them could help you to use less energy at home. These systems can be controlled remotely via your phone or PC, so you can turn the heating on when you want as well as make sure the lights are always off when nobody’s home. At the very least, consider the benefits of having a smart meter to help you monitor your energy use and when to cut down. Turning things off rather than leaving them on standby will soon rack up the savings, so try to encourage the kids to adopt the same habits to ensure the whole family’s on board.

Get clever with your water

There are a lot of concerns over the amount of water wasted by households, and the high water bill you’re used to doesn’t have to be that way. You should explore efficient water options to see if you could use less water or find ways of helping the environment. A water borehole is becoming an increasingly popular options for homes and is a great system to install if you have access to land water. Booking a survey through could help you to find out easily if your home is suitable, while installation is quick and will give you access to clean, free water in no time. Options like this are worth considering, especially if you have no plans to move from your home anytime soon.

Finding ways to save money around the home can be tough, especially as you look to heat your home for the autumn and winter months. Doing some research and exploring different options can reveal different things you might never have considered that can help to make your family greener too. Start looking at ways you can go green around the home today and enjoy savings in time for Christmas.

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