
Wednesday 22 November 2017

Planning A Party? Ways To Adapt Your Living Room For A Big Group Of People

Many of us, especially big families, find it difficult to host parties in the small amount of house space we have. It can be pretty annoying if we don’t prepare properly. Not only do we need to think about catering, dressing up and entertainment, but we also need to consider the comfort of our house and the amount of space we have available for the influx of people. Here are a few tips to help you make the most of your living room and open up new ways of planning your next party!

Utilise your furniture to the max

Depending on what type of party it is, take advantage of the furniture you have. Whether you’re having friends over to watch a game of football, enjoying a birthday party for the little ones or having the whole family round for a New Year’s celebration, make sure you prepare the living room accordingly.

For instance, your coffee table is super versatile and can be used in a variety of practical ways. To cater for those adult-only nights, the table could be the hub for all those party games! Lay out board games, cards, snacks and drinks - all at arms reach to make self-serving easy and simple. If your living room is lacking one, there are plenty of stylish but affordable coffee tables on the market. As well as the couch, arrange seating around the table such as stools, bean bags and dining chairs. You could even go as far as using cushions on the floor to accommodate more friends!

Remove any unwanted furniture

Sometimes as a party host, your furniture can be a burden. Don’t feel bad about removing any unnecessary things, doing this might just prevent you from making common hosting mistakes. In regards to kids parties, you could move the coffee table into the spare room and just spread out a huge comfy rug for them to play on. One of the worst worries for us parents is having our children get hurt from furniture obstacles. While they’re all hyped up on sweets and excitement, they can trip on tables and chairs. By removing unnecessary furniture, you can take a breath of relief in knowing they have more space to play around in.

Think outside the box

If you’re really pushed for space, consider utilising the dining room, spare room or garden. When the sun’s out, everyone loves to spend time outside, especially the little ones. Lay out all their favourite treats on a fold-up table with party decorations to set the mood. Use picnic tables too and consider moving an audio system outside to play music - just consider the neighbours and don’t be too noisy! An outdoor party can be effortless if you prepare right. Remember the three basics: entertainment, food and seating, and you’ll be well on your way to fantastic party hosting! If you want to go to the extreme, take the couch outside and feel like one with nature.

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