
Friday 17 November 2017

Winter-Proof Your Home Today

Now that the biting cold of winter is just around the corner, the time has come to prepare your home so it is all ready to give you the shelter and protection you need during the following months. This way, you will always have a pleasant sort of a place you can return to, no matter what the weather is like outside. Check out some of these tips to help you turn your home into a warm fortress, equipped to tackle the cold that is coming in the not-too-distant future.

Swap Out Your Bedding

It is that time of year that you want to get your thick duvet out of the cupboard and put it on your bed, so you can snuggle up in warmth and cosiness. You may also want to invest in some new blankets and comforters to pile up on your bed, giving you the perfect place to hibernate for the season!

Clean Out Your Gutters

Top of your list of home maintenance tasks should be cleaning out your gutters of dead leaves and other debris that has accumulated during the autumn. This is a fairly simple task, but one that is important so that everything keeps flowing clearly.

Pack Away Outdoor Equipment

There will undoubtedly be a lot of things that you will have no use for over the following weeks, such as your patio furniture which can be scrubbed down and stored away. Your grill also may need a good cleaning. Doing these things now saves you from having to do them when you want to have your first garden party of the new year.

Seal Up Your Windows

The last thing that you need during the winter months is cold air seeping in through the windows. To prevent this, you can get them caulked up – another simple DIY task which is worth doing. Another measure that you can take is to upgrade to heavier curtains, which will help to improve the overall energy efficiency of your home.

Complete Fireplace Maintenance Work

You will want your fireplace to be in good working order to keep you nice and toasty when the cold starts to draw in. So, it is time to clear away last year’s ashes, and stock up on some more wood ready for burning. You should also hire someone to professionally sweep your chimney, as otherwise, harmful carbon monoxide can enter your home. And this may be the time to get a new boiler. Especially, if your current model has seen better days.

Stock Up on Winter Essentials

The final piece of advice that we are going to give is to stock up on all the winter essentials that you may need. This includes snow removal gear and salt, so you don’t end up getting snowed in at home. You should also get some long-lasting food, so you don’t have to keep going backwards and forwards to the store in inclement conditions.

So, don’t delay getting your home winter-ready. If you do everything now, you will be all prepared to batten down the hatches and endure the colder months ahead.

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