
Friday 9 March 2018

Getting Your Garden Ready for Summer

It does not feel like summer is around the corner, does it? It was only a few days ago that we were dealing with the Beast from the East. However, believe it or not, this is our spring, which means that summer is not far away. To make the most of the limited sunshine we get in the UK, you need to make sure that your garden is prepared for the warmer months ahead. With that in mind, read on to discover some of the steps you should take to prepare your garden for the summer.

Create a decking area – There is only one place to begin, and this is with creating a decking area if you don’t have one already. This will enable you to relax with friends and family or enjoy a good book while your children play in the garden. A decked area does not need to be expensive. You can even buy your own supplies from the likes of George Hill Timber and build it yourself. By having a separate area that is just for relaxing and socialising, you are going to be more likely to spend more time in your garden.
Plant flowers that smell delicious at night time – It is likely that you are going to be spending more time in your garden on an evening, especially if you are planning on hosting barbecues. Because of this, it is a good idea to plant some flowers that smell amazing on an evening. Some of the best choices include the likes of honeysuckle and jasmine.
Bring some comfort outdoors – During the summer months, your garden is going to be your new favourite room, so treat it as such. No one wants to sit on uncomfortable chairs in the living room, do they? So, why should you sit in discomfort outside? You can easily bring some of your indoor comfort to your garden. All it takes is a few scatter cushions and a rug. Of course, there is no need to spend a considerable amount of money on items like this, as they are going to be exposed to the elements.
Keep things low maintenance – Do you really want to spend all of your summer picking out weeds and maintaining your garden? A lot of people make the mistake of going overboard with flowers and alike, and while it looks pretty, it takes up all of their time. You are supposed to be enjoying summer, so try to keep your garden as low maintenance as possible. This is especially important when your kids are probably going to be running riot.
Give your fence and gate some TLC – It is likely that your gate and fence has suffered a bit of damage over the winter. In fact, any wooden elements in your garden are likely to be looking a bit worn and dull.  But don’t fret, as this is nothing a bit of paint or stain cannot fix! Nevertheless, don’t forget to add a little bit of treatment afterwards to keep your wooden fences and gates looking better for longer.
Create a herb wall near your barbecue – This is a great tip for the summer months ahead. Creating a herb wall will transform your garden in so many different ways. Let’s start with the obvious; it will result in food that tastes much better! Plus, herbs are great for cocktails too, and mocktails for your little ones, of course. Not only this, but your new herb wall will make cooking way more convenient, as you won’t need to go in and out of the house all of the time. Plus, it will make your garden smell delightful too. Sounds good, right?
Stock up on all summer essentials – Last but not least, make sure you stock up on all of your summer essentials, whether you need a parasol for a shaded area or you need some plastic cups for outdoors. The last thing you want to happen is to sit down to enjoy some sun and then realise that something is missing.
From planting flowers that smell delightful at night to making your outdoor space more comfortable, there are a number of different ways you can get your garden ready for summer. If you follow the advice that has been provided above, you can make sure that your children can enjoy the outdoors when the sun is shining while you enjoy relaxing and a nice glass of wine too. Bliss!

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